Conditions for acceptance of the semester
Students are expected to attend the lectures, autopsy and histopathology practicals, and mid-term tests. Students who are absent from more than 25% of the course, will automatically fail the semester.

Mid-term assessments
The mid-term tests will be based on the lectures and practicals. Two tests will be written. (7th October, 11th November). The tests will consist of essays and short definitions of general pathology terms. Supplementary assessment may be available for those students who fail at the mid-term exams or who was absent from the MTO. This assessment will be written at the end of the semester.

End of semester written examination
For the fall-semester examination the students are requested to be familiar with the lectures and practical lessons supplemented by the suggested literature from the textbook. The first and any necessary repeated examinations will be written ones (45 minutes; rigorous exam: 55 minutes). The students will write essays, and define general pathology terms, similarly as in the mid-term assessments. Rigorous exam (+1 essay question) will be held in the following cases:
(1) if any of the two mid-term test result was 1 and repair attempt failed at the supplementary assessment;
(2) if the student was absent from any of the two mid-term exams and failed at the supplementary assessment.
Grades awarded in a range from 1 to 5. Grades: passed (2): 51% - 64%; accepted (3): 65% - 74%; good (4): 75% - 84%; and very good (5): 85% - 100%. The exact dates and venues of the examinations will be announced in the ETR System.